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Pieter Spee - Speaker at InnoHEALTH 2017


Based on my degrees in medical biochemistry (Ing.), medical biology (M.Sc.) and Immunology (Ph.D.), I have fulfilled a number of scientific and management positions in drug-development, both in academia and in pharmaceutical industry, focused on development of novel therapies for both cancer and inflammation.

I have many years experience from biological research, in particular translational research, from a scientific perspective, as well as from project-, line-, and alliance-management perspectives. In addition, I have a lot of experience in sourcing and scouting of drug-development projects, for in-licensing and investment purposes.

I have started PS! Pharmaconsult, using my scientific and management skills to evaluate, plan, implement drug-development projects, collaborations, portfolios and strategies for pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Currently, I function as chief technology officer at FibroTx LLC, with responsibilities in developing two highly innovative skin diagnostic devices, TAP and SELF, allowing personalized medicine in skin care and clinical dermatology.